
Health & Wellbeing Centre

Passionate and community-centred, we are a not-for-profit health and wellbeing centre based in the heart of Matamata. We support tamariki, rangatahi, and whānau through leadership development, counselling, mentoring, and life skills programmes, promoting well-being and resilience across the Matamata–Piako and South Waikato districts.

The Starfish Story

A little boy walked carefully along a crowded beach
Where starfish by the hundreds lay there within his reach.
They washed up with each rippling wave as far as the eye could see.
And each starfish was sure to die if they were not sent back to sea.
So one by one, he rescued them, then heard a stranger call,
“It won’t really make a difference… for you cannot save them all”
But as he tossed yet another one back toward the ocean’s setting sun,
He answered with deep compassion, “I made a difference for that one!”

Loren Eisley

Our vision is to provide a wraparound service responding to the changing needs of our rural community. We provide support services to children, youth and Whanau facing significant challenges in today’s changing environment. Through our services we aim to strengthen relationships within the community and improve outcomes for young people and their families.

Ko te tino whainga nei o te Poumarumaru a Patangaroa Ratonga (Starfish Services) kia whakawhiwhi ai I te wähi haumaru kia hapai ai I te hauora torowhänui o ngä taitamariki me ä rätou whanau whanui e noho nei i te takiwä o Matamata Piako.

Our Services

We want to make a difference for you. Start your journey today by choosing the service that meets your needs.


Get Involved

At Starfish, we believe that everyone has the power to make a difference. By working in collaboration with our funders, the wider social services community, and valued partners, we strengthen our ability to empower youth and families. Whether you want to volunteer, donate, or partner with us, your support helps create brighter futures and stronger, more resilient whānau. Join us and be a part of the change today!

Our Supporting Trusts